Time Eternal: A Visual on the Orthodox Understanding of Time
A visual on Orthodox understanding of time and eternal life based on Nicole Roccas' Time and Despondency
Why I Started My Book With Christ the true vine
My newest graphic novel on Saint John the Dwarf has an odd start. It starts with an illustration of Christ the True Vine. This is a recreation of a 15th century icon titled the True vine, based on John 15:5. The
A New Creative Orthodox Graphic Novel: The Life of Saint John the Short
I can’t believe it! After 6 years of writing, editing, illustrating and book-designing my second graphic novel is finally out! “A Forest In the Desert: The Life of Saint John the Short” is a graphic novel on the life of the
St. Zacharias of Sakha: When saints inspire saints
Inspired by the fathers The faith of the early church fathers continues to inspire us thousands of years after they’d lived. About 1300 years ago, Saint Zacharias made a decision that changed my life! He decided to write the story of Saint
The Harrowing Of Hades Cover Art: A Journey To Hell And Back
Now that the Anastasis: The Harrowing of Hades graphic novel is published, I figured I'd shed a bit more light on the making of process. :) The cover for Anastasis was, as simple as it looks, quite hard to conceptualize. When