Saint John the Short Book Cover

A New Creative Orthodox Graphic Novel: The Life of Saint John the Short

I can’t believe it! After 6 years of writing, editing, illustrating and book-designing my second graphic novel is finally out!

“A Forest In the Desert: The Life of Saint John the Short” is a graphic novel on the life of the famous 4th century desert father. He’s mostly known for the story of the tree of obedience (check out the video below if you don’t know it!), but there’s so much more to his life that we can learn from.

Saint John the Short & the tree of obedience

Saint John was humble, compassionate and incredibly obedient to his spiritual father. What’s most impressive is that he also grew to be a leader and a father. There’s so much goodness and virtue in his life that we can learn from today.

Books on early Christianity give us much needed examples on how to lead a virtuous life.

As you know, I self publish my books. That means they’ll only go as far as I can reach, so if you do enjoy the graphic novel, I’ll need your help to get the word out.

How you can help:

  1. Buy the book if you’re interested in the life of Saint John.
  2. Leave an honest amazon review. It helps a lot.
  3. Consider sharing it with your parish or Sunday School class if you’re a teacher. I’m even making a teacher’s guide and also offer reduced pricing for bulk orders and bookstores.
  4. Tell others about it.
Saint John the Short Book

I’m so excited for you to read the book!

In Christ,


Saint John the little Christian Orthodox Graphic Novel Book Image