Saint Moses The Ethiopian & The Bag Of Sand
If you haven't yet, be sure to grab a copy of my graphic novel "Anastasis: the Harrowing of Hades" and if you've read it, leave a quick review on Amazon and be sure to tell your friends and
The Harrowing Of Hades Cover Art: A Journey To Hell And Back
Now that the Anastasis: The Harrowing of Hades graphic novel is published, I figured I'd shed a bit more light on the making of process. :) The cover for Anastasis was, as simple as it looks, quite hard to conceptualize. When
What Makes John The Forerunner The Greatest Man Born of a Woman?
This is a guest post by Deacon John, my friend, mentor and co-author of “Anastasis: The Harrowing of Hades”. Saint John is one of his favourite saints, so I couldn’t pass up a chance to get him talking about him! A
5 Ways To Make Friends With The Saints
I remember hearing the way my grandparents talked about the saints and trivializing it. Whenever I'd have a challenging exam my grandmother would ask me to just "ask the Theotokos to help you, she'll never turn you down", I'd say
Why Did Christ Experience All Human Emotions?
I love Saint Cyril's commentary on the Gospel of Saint John. I've been reading and rereading it for years and I haven't yet scratched the surface on the depth of Saint Cyril's reflections! Here's an alternate translation and the source: Just as